Category: Green Living Tips

Providing advice on how to adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle, including waste reduction, energy conservation, and sustainable transportation.

Green Living Tips
Planet Aware Web

Buy Local and Organic

We live in a rapidly evolving world where consumer decisions have significantly more implications than just satisfying our palate. As responsible citizens of Planet Earth, we are faced with the choice of how and what we eat. That is why we should look at buying local and organic products, both to explore better health benefits […]

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Green Living Tips
Planet Aware Web

Use Reusable Bags, Bottles, and Containers

Title: Breakup with Single-use Plastics: Embrace Reusable Bags, Bottles, and Containers Let’s talk about an essential step towards environmental sustainability – breaking up with single-use plastics and saying a loud ‘Yes!’ to reusable bags, bottles, and containers. The noxious effects of plastic waste on our environment and wildlife are well known, jeopardizing our planet’s health […]

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Green Living Tips
Planet Aware Web

Use Reusable Bags, Bottles, and Containers

Title: Transform Your Lifestyle: Embrace Reusables Over Single-Use Plastics Let’s take a hard, honest look at our lifestyle in the 21st century. One of the most common, yet overlooked issues of our times is rampant plastic pollution. Global citizens consume hundreds of billions of single-use plastic items each year – a significant chunk of which […]

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Green Living Tips
Planet Aware Web


Title: Discover Composting: A Pathway to Sustainable Living Mother earth is currently grappling with a considerable amount of waste being dumped into her environment. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), each person in the United States produces an average of 4.9 pounds of trash per day. Much of this waste winds up in landfills, […]

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Green Living Tips
Planet Aware Web

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Title: Embracing the Three R’s: Minimize Waste and Conserve Resources Every person has a role to play in preserving our planet and ensuring it continues to be a livable environment for generations to come. One of the significant ways to contribute is through effective waste management, mainly by adhering to the key principles of Reduce, […]

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